Meet the Team: LaChaun Moore

Meet the Team: LaChaun Moore

Today we're shining the spotlight on Zollie Media Editor, LaChaun Moore! LaChaun is the media editor responsible for shaping all of our video content, as well as heading up the WEAVE residency program for our sister company Gist, and working as a farmer and enthnographic fiber researcher in her free time. Read on to learn a little about LaChaun!

meet the team lachaun moore


What’s your name and title?

LaChaun Moore, Zollie Media Editor, Gist Director of Partnerships and Collaborations. 

What do you do at Zollie?

At Zollie, I edit our video content and advertisements. 

What are your primary fiber interests? How did you come to love fibers, crafts, or textiles? 

As a child, I was obsessed with clothing. I come from a long line of crafters, sewers, and teachers. Although they inspired me to become creative,  I always try to remember that they were creative out of necessity. I started sewing and crafting in high school. I used to make earrings and jewelry out of buttons, and I would stay up all night, putting together fabric scraps to wear my crazy outfits to school. At the time I didn’t see myself becoming the type of artist I am today, but those early years really informed what led me to study art in college and pursue a career in art. 

Tell us a little about your professional background, and how you landed where you are today.

I studied social practice and alternative fashion strategies at Parsons, The New School for Design. While there I picked up an array of skills and experience in practical art making, production, and an understanding of how important it is for us as artists to be just as socially engaged as we are in visual aesthetics. 

In addition to my role at Gist, I am an ethnographic fiber researcher. Since 2017 I’ve been researching the history of fibers and textiles in African American history. My goal in doing this research is to learn more about my ancestors' contributions to the world of fibers today. Over the course of my journey, I have become more focused on naturally colored cotton varieties and indigo dyeing and processing.

What other hobbies or interests do you have (outside of work!)?

My schedule can get extremely busy so I genuinely appreciate the days that I can just relax and spend time with myself, cooking, going to spa days at the sauna, and long walks or easy hikes on cool days. 

What keeps you inspired and connected to your creativity? Do you have any daily creative rituals or practices?

When you are using your creative skills for a living, staying creative is a huge challenge. As a multidisciplinary artist, whenever I feel a sense of creative block, I shift my attention to something else to reinvigorate myself with a sense of newness. I stay with that skill and allow my spirit to bring me back to the creative space when it's replenished.

What’s something you know how to do (and perhaps are fairly good at) that previously seemed impossible? 

I was so nervous and intimidated when I started farming. It was a very new dream and seemed so impossible financially and physically. However, I have been extremely blessed and have been able to make my way over the years. Every year I've gotten stronger, and more knowledgeable and ultimately learned the importance of finding value in the little successes.

What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever made?

This past season, I grew long-handle dipper gourds that came out with these very interesting sculptural shapes. It was a happy accident because they did not grow up the trellis and instead curled into themselves.

long handled dipper gourd

What’s the most exciting project you’re currently working on?

I have a real appreciation for the artists in the WEAVE residency program. Everyone that I’ve worked with is extremely talented and inspiring in their own way.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to watch their projects grow.

Favorite songs/artists or podcasts?

I have an unwavering love for BEYONCÉ, lol. Outside of Beyoncé, I have a very diverse taste and music, but I love talented vocalists and songwriters. R&B, Jazz, and Rap are my favorite genres.

What is a dream you hope to make a reality one day?

A successful line of organic farm-to-designer fabric.

What’s something you’d like to learn more about or further explore?

I would love to learn more about botany.

Coffee or tea? 

I’m a tea lover, iced or hot. I love bitter and herbal teas for their health benefits as well as sweet culinary teas that taste amazing.